When Should You Split 10s in Blackjack?

Typically, you should not split 10s in blackjack; standing on 20 is usually the safer bet. However, there are exceptions: Splitting 10s in blackjack often sparks debate. Most advice suggests keeping a 20, as it’s a strong hand. However, there are important exceptions to this rule. Mark Pilarski, with 18 years of experience in casinos …

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Blackjack Money Management For Beginners

Having a blackjack money management strategy is crucial to staying in the game, particularly when you play online blackjack for real money. Here, we’ll explain a basic blackjack bankroll strategy that will help you enjoy the game without worry.

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Winning & Losing Streaks In Blackjack: How To Handle Them

If you’ve ever had a winning or losing streak while playing blackjack, you know that the experience can be either exhilarating or very frustrating. All professional blackjack players suffer winning and losing streaks at the tables. And while every pro invokes strategy to gain an advantage, they don’t all handle streaks in the same manner. …

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Expert Insight & Tips To Winning Blackjack Tournaments

A syndicated gambling columnist and blackjack efficiency expert Mark Pilarski was recently asked if it’s ever a good time to split 10’s. He mentioned a particular scenario in which winning blackjack tournaments could rely on breaking that golden rule by splitting, winning both bets, and doubling up to stay alive in the tournament. That led …

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Blackjack Dont’s – Top Blackjack Etiquette Tips

Although blackjack is a form of casino gambling, it is also a social game that involves significant interaction among the players and with the dealer. To prevent cheating, avoid misunderstandings and promote enjoyable play, a set of appropriate behaviors has evolved, and every player is expected to know the basics of blackjack etiquette before sitting …

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