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Play Online Space Shooter Games For Real Money!

Zachary Gleason
Space Shooter Games

Tired of playing the same casino games over and over? There’s a place in your online casino that offers a break from that routine, a ton of fun, and a good chance of hitting jackpot money.

That place is in the outer realms of the galaxy, where there are battles for control of the universe. These action-packed, arcade-style space shooter games resemble the classics from the Sega and Nintendo days. 

These games have become more popular lately as casino operators seek younger players, and they know 20-somethings like shootout games.

Space shooter games are proving to be true classics by making a comeback nowadays at internet casinos.

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Play Space Invasion

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Shoot Your Enemies & Win Some Cash!

Space Invasion at BetOnline

Space Invasion is a game we’ve found that has some good action and exciting pot opportunities. It’s not as much of an actual skill game, but one of timing and shooting at targets with big bonuses.

Space Invasion is a take on Space Invaders, one of those early creations of Atari that became popular at arcades and then on home consoles. The task was to fend off encroaching ranks of invaders by shooting them before they killed you.

Choose Your Missiles

Space Invasion varies from that a bit. There are enemy targets, but they don’t threaten you. They move slightly, and you pick them off with your missile fire. This is a real money arcade game in which you choose one of three missiles to shoot – $1, $5, or $20. The bigger the missile, the better the return.

Select Your Target

There are two rows of enemy targets, and your missile fires when you hit the “Launch” button. Some of the targets have small returns, some big, and you sometimes miss altogether. 

Your chance of bigger returns comes with random modes that kick in.

  • Dynamic Duplicity turns one shot into two.
  • Space Vacuum gives you three shots in one.
  • Spore Drive Chaos is 4x your shot.
  • Blackhole Injection means five or more shots in one.

Obviously, those extra shots mean extra chances to hit prime targets that appear. Those targets can mean 5x, 10x, 20x, or more in returns. The game promotes 2000x, and that’s the long, long shot.

That’s why Space Invasion carries a return to player (RTP) rating of 96.2, which is higher than many slot games.

Take Control Of The Universe: Play Wild Casino’s Space Shooting Game!

Bonus: 100% up to $5,000Play At Wild Casino

How To Play Space Invasion At BetOnline

We found Space Invasion at BetOnline Casino, one of the safest and most reputable online casinos out there. You can play Space Invasion both on your PC and on your Android or iOS devices. Get ready to enjoy space shooting games for home or on-the-go!

Here’s how to get in on the action:

  1. Create an account:

    You need to provide some basic information to become a member at BetOnline. 
  2. Make a deposit:

    A prompt will pop up for you to make a deposit. You need to put in money to play Space Invasion. Deposit methods are fast and wide-ranging, and you can take advantage of bonuses along the way.
  3. Navigate to the casino’s Specialty Games section:

    You will see the label on the menu of game types they provide. When you click on it, you will see Space Invasion.
  4. Choose your bet size:

    When you click on the game, it loads quickly, and you get a display. Click on the “i” for information about the game or the menu lines for game settings.
    You will see the missiles at the bottom with the betting options. Click on one, then hit the Launch button to fire away.

Secrets To Win More At Arcade Space Shooting Games

There is considerable luck but also skill in the majority of arcade space shooter games. Here are some tips to come out a winner.

  • Start by playing in small amounts. When you become familiar with the game and how it works, you will be more comfortable with bigger bets.
  • Know your targets. It is good to know the big targets that will bring big money.
  • Be ready to shoot. These games move quickly, and you want to fire as many times as possible.
  • Keep an eye on your score, credits, or balance. With the fast-moving nature of these games, your totals will take some big swings. The games are addictive, too, and you want to know when to end a session.

Why You Should Play Space Shooter Games Online

There are plenty of reasons to give space gun shooting games a try. Well, they are boo-koos of fun to start with. But here are some more:

  1. They are games of skill: Hitting the right targets is crucial, and that depends on your ability and expertise. It’s not all down to luck.
  2. It is a break from the casino routine: When you find your favorite real money casino game a grind, space shooter games are a nice change of pace.
  3. You can cash in bigtime: With the big bonus targets these games offer, you get a shot at excellent returns. Plus, the game has a relatively high RTP you can take advantage of.

Ready For Your First Space Odyssey?

Play space shooting games at approved online casinos

If you think you’re an expert shooter, try your hand at playing an arcade space shooting game for more than points. Even if you’ve never played one, it takes no time to catch on. And when you catch on, you’re hooked.

 The galaxy needs a hero, and you need a bigger bankroll. So go ahead and take a shot at a space shooter game!

Or, if you love specialty games and enjoy playing new games, you can always give Fish Shooting Games a try. They are also among our favorites!

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